Terms of Use

Welcome to Shatabdi Plywoods. These Terms of Use govern your access to and use of our website and services. By accessing or using our site, you agree to comply with these terms. If you do not agree with any part of these terms, you must not use our website.

1. Acceptance of Terms

By using the Shatabdi Plywoods website, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these Terms of Use. We may update these terms from time to time, and your continued use of the website will constitute acceptance of any changes.

2. Use of the Website

You agree to use the Shatabdi Plywoods website for lawful purposes only. You may not use our site:

  • In any way that breaches any applicable local, national, or international law.
  • To transmit or distribute any content that is unlawful, defamatory, obscene, or otherwise objectionable.
  • To interfere with or disrupt the operation of our website or servers.

3. Intellectual Property

All content on the Shatabdi Plywoods website, including but not limited to text, graphics, logos, and images, is the property of Shatabdi Plywoods or its licensors and is protected by copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property laws. You may not reproduce, distribute, or otherwise use any content from our site without our express written permission.

4. User Accounts

To access certain features of the Shatabdi Plywoods website, you may be required to create an account. You agree to provide accurate and complete information when creating your account and to keep your login credentials confidential. You are responsible for all activities that occur under your account.e cannot guarantee absolute security.

5. Limitation of Liability

Shatabdi Plywoods is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages arising out of or related to your use of our website. We make no warranties or representations about the accuracy or completeness of the content on our site.

6. Third-Party Links

Our website may contain links to third-party websites. These links are provided for your convenience and do not imply endorsement by Shatabdi Plywoods. We are not responsible for the content or practices of any third-party sites.

7. Privacy

Your use of our website is also governed by our Privacy Policy, which explains how we collect, use, and protect your personal information. By using our site, you consent to the practices described in the Privacy Policy.

8. Termination

We reserve the right to terminate or suspend your access to our website at our sole discretion, without notice, for any reason, including if you violate these Terms of Use.

9. Governing Law

These Terms of Use are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Uttar Pradesh, India. Any disputes arising from these terms will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in Uttar Pradesh.

10. Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about these Terms of Use, please contact us at:

Shatabdi Plywoods

  •  Shatabdi Ply 84/54, Jareeb Chowki, Darshan Purwa, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh 208003
  • shatabdiply@gmail.com
  •  +91-8429000998

Thank you for visiting Shatabdi Plywoods. We value your feedback and are committed to providing you with a positive experience.